Partner Pricing

Due Diligence Services
$200-$2,000 (your fees excluding GST)  
You agree to charge the following due diligence fees
  • Review Certificate of Title $200
  • Review Lim $200 
  • Kiwisaver withdrawal $200pp
  • Homestart grant $200pp
  • Guarantee $400
  • EQC claim $350-$1,200
  • Cross lease review $300
  • Unit title review $350
  • S&P reviewed $200 
  • S&P drafted $400 
  • Development or building contract $750-$2,000 
  • K.O. First Partner $800 (scheme currently on hold)
These are for standard use cases. Any additional fees for unique use cases are to be disclosed in advance
Unsuccessful offer capped at $600
Co-owner and Contracting Out Agreements
$750- $1,000pp (your fees excluding GST)
You agree to charge the following fixed fees
  • Fixed $750pp for co-owner agreement 
  • Fixed$1,250pp contracting out agreement
  • Extra $500 per round of negotiation 
Any additional fees for unique use cases are to be disclosed in advance
$1,499- $2,999 (your fees excluding disbursements & GST)
You agree to charge the following basic conveyancing fees
  • Fixed $1,499 when buying with one mortgage 
  • Fixed$2,999 when buying and selling with mortgages
$200-$2,000 (your fees excel GST)  
You agree to charge the following due diligence fees
  • Review Certificate of Title $200
  • Review Lim $200 
  • Kiwisaver withdrawal $200pp
  • Homestart grant $200pp
  • Guarantee $400
  • EQC claim $400
  • Cross lease review $300
  • Unit title review $350
  • S&P prepared for sale $200 
  • S&P prepared for sale $400 
  • Development or building contract $750-$2,000 
  • K.OFirst Partner $800 (scheme currently on hold
These are for standard use cases. Any additional fees for unique use cases are to be disclosed in advance
Unsuccessful offer capped at $600
Co-owner independent advice
$750- $1,000pp (your fees excel GST)
You agree to charge the following fixed fees for independent advice
  • Fixed $750pp for co-owner agreement 
  • Fixed$1,250pp contracting out agreement
  • Extra $500 per round of negotiation 
Any additional fees for unique use cases are to be disclosed in advance
$1,499- $2,999 (your fees excel disbursements & GST)
You agree to charge the following basic conveyancing fees
  • Fixed $1,499 when buying with one mortgage 
  • Fixed$2,999 when buying and selling with mortgages